Songs in Spanish Translated to English: La Chica Plastica by Ruben Blades and Willie Colon

Listening to songs in Spanish is a fun way to practice listening skills and loosen your hips as you dance your way into fluency =)

Here’s a great song by Rubén Blades and Willie Colón. The song’s title is “Plástico” and it’s often known as “Chica Plástica” Continue reading “Songs in Spanish Translated to English: La Chica Plastica by Ruben Blades and Willie Colon”

Spanish for Nurses Video: 25 Phrases that can be Useful at Work (Add Yours!)


In this post we will take a look at a few phrases in Spanish that are commonly used by nurses at work.

First, you will find a video that will show you how to pronounce each phrase,

and after the video you will find a written version so you can review the spelling of each one and write them down on your notebook so you can use them at work, starting “mañana”! Continue reading “Spanish for Nurses Video: 25 Phrases that can be Useful at Work (Add Yours!)”

How to say Happy Birthday in Spanish


Having the ability to maintain and nurture friendships is one of the most important aspects of a successful social life. Someone’s birthday is a great occasion to reach out and stay in touch with people you care about.

Continue reading “How to say Happy Birthday in Spanish”

How do you say thank you in Spanish?


There are several important words in every language, and if you’re interested in learning Spanish answering the question: How do you say thank you in Spanish? Is a very important one that we will address in this short post.

Knowing how to express gratitude is certainly important, but also finding additional ways to tell someone how grateful you feel and how much you appreciate what they have done can also be highly useful for beginners learning Spanish.

Continue reading “How do you say thank you in Spanish?”

Learn Spanish with Funny Dog Photos!


Today we will learn a useful verb with the help of this adorable canine “amigo”:


Image from:


The top section of the image shows “¿Te burlas de mí?”

The word “burlas” sound a little like “burglar”, a thief who MAKES FUN of the Law.

Continue reading “Learn Spanish with Funny Dog Photos!”

How to say shut up in Spanish?


Although being polite generally works better, there are times when people simply don’t know when to stop talking, and knowing how to say shut up in Spanish can be a really useful.

In this short post we will take a look at how to say “shut up” in Spanish, as well as other phrases to ask people to stop talking that may be used in different contexts (depending on how rude you want to be, some of them will be less polite than others)

Continue reading “How to say shut up in Spanish?”