“Coco” is an animated adventure that unfolds within the context of “El Día de Muertos” (The Day of the Dead” and it is a great way to practice you Spanish listening skills.
In this post, we will go over the movie’s trailer in English and Spanish so you can practice your comprehension.
This is how it works:
You begin by watching the movie trailer in English.
Then watch the movie trailer in Spanish while trying to understand as much as possible.
Then, play the movie trailer in Spanish and scroll down to read the transcripts in Spanish (and the translations in English if required) in order to understand what is being said in the movie trailer.
The last step is to watch the movie trailer in Spanish again without reading the transcripts in order to make sure you understand all of it.
Now it’s time to get started, here are the new trailers in both English and Spanish:
Coco – Trailer in English
Coco– Trailer in Spanish
Here are the transcripts for the trailers in Spanish and English:
- Tengo que cantar, y tocar también
- (I have to sing, I have to play)
- La música es, no sólo está en mi, eso es lo que soy
- (The music it’s not just in me, it is me)
- ¡Guau!
- (Woof!)
- My pronto (texto)
- Coming soon (text)
- Cuándo la vida me golpea, toco mi guitarra
- (When life gets me down, I play my guitar)
- El resto del mundo obedece las reglas pero yo obedezco mi corazón
- (The rest of the world may follow the rules but I follow my heart)
- ¿Nunca has sentido que hay una canción en el aire que solamente toca para ti?
- (Haven’t you ever felt like there’s a song in the air playing just for you?)
- Cerca está el amor (música)
- Love is nearby (music)
- Todo somos parte… (texto)
- (We are all a part… (text))
- Ya se siente su encanto (music)
- (You can already feel its charm (music))
- De aquellos que vivieron antes (texto)
- (Of those who came before (text))
- Nunca creí que algo así iba a llegar para mi (música)
- I never believed something like this would arrive for me (music)
- Nunca subestimes el poder de la música
- (Never underestimate the power of music)
- Nadie iba a entregarme mi futuro
- (No one was going to hand me my future)
- Dependía de mí alcanzar ese sueño
- (It was up to me to reach for my dream)
- Tomarlo con fuerza y ver que se cumpliera
- (Grab it tight and make it come true)
- A ver, ¿quién está ahí?
- (Alright, who’s in there?)
- Ay, ¡perdón!
- (Oh, sorry!)
- ¿Qué sucede?
- (What’s going on?)
- Es un sueño nada más
- (It’s just a dream)
- De los creadores de Toy Story, Buscando a Dory, Intensa mente,
- (From the creators of Toy Story, Finding Dory, Inside Out)
- ¡Dante espera!
- (Dante, wait up!)
- Quédate conmigo amigo
- (You gotta stay with me boy)
- No sé qué es este lugar
- (I don’t know what this place is)
- No es un sueño ¿verdad?
- (This is not a dream, right?)
- En serio siguen aquí
- (They’re really still here)
- Sólo en cines
- (Only in movie theaters)
- También en 3D
- (Also in 3D)
You can listen to the trailer in Spanish right here one more time (try not to read the transcript this time, and understand as much as possible on your own):
If you want to continue practicing your Spanish with more songs, you can find several great ones over here: Songs
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¡Fantastico! Gracias por su trabajo.