Christmas holidays are that time of the year when families get together to share good wishes and good food at home.
In today’s post we will answer the question: How do you say Merry Christmas in Spanish?
We will also take a look at other phrases that may be used in this scenario, and although we will focus on the Spanish spoken in Mexico,
these phrases may be used in all countries where Spanish is spoken.
Now it’s time to get started.
Merry Christmas in Spanish is: Feliz Navidad.

Some other useful alternatives to say Merry Christmas may be:
- I wish you a Merry Christmas.
- Te deseo una feliz Navidad.
- Best wishes for this Christmas.
- Los mejores deseos para esta Navidad.
- Love and peace for your family in this Christmas.
- Paz y amor para tu familia en esta Navidad.
- I hope all your wishes come true this Christmas.
- Espero que todos tus deseos se cumplan en esta Navidad.
- Happy holidays, have a beautiful Christmas.
- Felices fiestas, que tengas una bonita Navidad.
You may also read more about “La Navidad” in spanish over here or you may get ready for new year´s countdown learning a little about the numbers in spanish over here.
We hope these simple phrases are useful for you and your friends this Christmas.
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and Remember…