Today we’ll take a look at a tool that can help you accelerate the language accusation process. We’re talking about reading books in Spanish.
Learn 10 Easy ways to greet customers in Spanish and ask them questions?
Get Free Video Lessons Here: Spanish for you Job
This is how it is going to work:
We will share a link where you will be able to find a book in Spanish. Try to understand as much as possible in a few find something that is new, just double click on a word or select a phrase to get an English translation shown to you immediately.
Yes! Is that easy (amazing huh?).
If you want to save a page where you stopped reading, you can create an account at the Polyglot Project (that is the website where you will find the books in Spanish).
You can also add books to your virtual bookshelf among other useful features, just tried to choose a username and password that are easy to remember (this will simplify things, believe me).
Today we will take a look at the book “Platero y Yo”, written by the winner of the Noble prize in literature, Juan Ramón Jiménez.
The book “Platero y Yo” talks about the life of the narrator and Platero, a white donkey that he considers a true friend.
Now it’s time to start reading “Platero y Yo” in Spanish, remember that you only need to double-click on a word or select a paragraph to get a translation in English.
Here is the link to access the book Platero y Yo:
Read the book now!
We hope you find this learning tool to be useful. Using materials intended for native speakers as a tool to learn a new language is an excellent way to accelerate the process of language acquisition.
Learn 10 Easy ways to greet customers in Spanish and ask them questions?
Get Free Video Lessons Here: Spanish for you Job
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