How do you say Beautiful in Spanish?


Have you ever wondered how do you say “Beautiful” in Spanish?

In today’s post we will answer that question and we will provide you with a few other alternatives that may be useful in a romantic context. 


There are times when knowing how to say beautiful in Spanish can be very useful,

For example:

When you’re visiting a foreign country and you want to express how much you like something you see, such as a work of art or a song that you hear.


But It can also be helpful to tell someone how much you like him or her (therefore, it is a word you must definitely learn).


If you just want to learn how to say the word beautiful in Spanish, you can say:

  • Hermoso (for a masculine noun),
  • or Hermosa (for a feminine noun).


Now, let’s look at some examples of how to use this word in different contexts…

  • That house is beautiful.
  • Esa casa es hermosa.


  • That song is beautiful.
  • Esa canción es hermosa.


  • This city is beautiful.
  • Esta ciudad es hermosa.


Those were feminine nouns, and they end with “a” (not all feminine nouns end with “a”, but many of them do).



Listen to the pronunciation of these phrases in this video: 


Now, let’s look at other examples of how to say beautiful in Spanish…


  • I just saw a beautiful car.
  • Acabo de ver un automóvil hermoso.


  • Yesterday´s sunset was beautiful.
  • El atardecer de ayer fue hermoso.


  • This country is beautiful.
  • Este país es hermoso.


You can listen to the pronunciation of these phrases here: 


Now, let’s look at other examples that may be used in a more romantic context to tell someone how beautiful he or she is.

Although the word beautiful in Spanish is often used to describe women, it may also be used to describe men, but it is less common.

  •  Your eyes are beautiful.
  • Tus ojos son hermosos.


  • You are a beautiful woman.
  • Eres una mujer hermosa.


  • You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.
  • Eres la mujer más hermosa que haya visto.


  • You have a beautiful personality.
  • Tienes una personalidad hermosa.


  • Your voice is beautiful, I love the way you sing.
  • Tu voz es hermosa, me encanta cómo cantas.


  • You have a spectacular body and you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen.
  • Tienes un cuerpo espectacular y eres la persona más hermosa que haya visto.



 You can listen to the pronunciation of these romantic phrases here: 


Learn how to count from 1 to 1000 Spanish here (its easy!):

Click Here


All right, we hope this short post helped you answer the question how do you say “Beautiful” in Spanish? and that these simple phrases are useful for your travel experiences and your daily life, as well as your relationships with others.


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Let’s keep learning together, see you next time.




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