Learn Spanish with Antonio Banderas – Funny Commercials in Spanish


When it comes to finding creative ways to practice Spanish, there is a large variety of possibilities to explore that are only limited by your imagination.

Today we will use a couple of commercials featuring Antonio Banderas to practice. Let’s get started.

In order to make the most out of this exercise, watch the commercial in English first (this will give you an idea of what the commercial is about) and then watch the Spanish version one time while trying to understand as much as possible.

Next, play the version in Spanish one more time and scroll down so you can read the transcript of the commercial and the translation of the sections you don’t fully understand.

To accomplish this you may click on “play” and then scroll down the page to read the transcript in both English and Spanish (feel free to pause and rewind as much as needed).

Finally, play the commercial in Spanish one more time and try to understand as much as possible without reading the transcript.

Are you ready to get started? Here is the commercial in English:

Orbit Commercial featuring Antonio Banderas – English version:


Here is the commercial in Spanish:

Orbit Commercial featuring Antonio Banderas – Spanish version:



Here is the transcript of the Spanish version and a translation into English:


  • Mira, la comida se ha acabado.
  • Look, the meal is over.


  • Así que esto, se acabó.
  • So, this is over.


  • Espera, espera. ¿Estás rompiendo conmigo?
  • Wait, wait. Are you breaking up with me?


  • ¿Me estás dejando?
  • Are you leaving me?


  • ¿En que habíamos quedado?
  • What had we agreed?


  • Sin ataduras.
  • No strings attached.


  • Ha sido sólo una comida.
  • It’s been just a meal.


  • Es que pensaba que estaríamos juntos por…
  • It’s just that I thought that we would be together for…


  • Shhh… no me hagas esto más difícil.
  • Shhh… don’t make this harder.


  • Pues yo, me quedo.
  • Well, I’m staying.


  • Acaba con los restos de comida.
  • Get rid of lingering food


  • Esto no ha ido mal.
  • It didn’t go that bad.


  • Para unos dientes limpios y sanos.
  • For clean and healthy teeth.


  • Come, bebe, masca, Orbit.
  • Eat, drink, chew, Orbit.


Here is a Spanish version of the commercial one more time so you can practice. Try to understand as much as possible without reading the transcript this time.

Orbit Commercial featuring Antonio Banderas – Spanish version:



How did it feel the last time? Was it easier? Do you know of any other commercials in Spanish? Do you have any questions about learning Spanish? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section available at the end of this page.

Practice your Spanish with songs here


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