LSFB Podcast 007 – Talking about Where you come from in Spanish

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In this audio lesson we will look at phrases that may be useful when Talking about where you come from in Spanish.

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Podcast Transcript (Text Version):

Hi, welcome to Learning Spanish for Beginners, the place to learn Mexico’s conversational Spanish.

Today we will review a few phrases in Spanish that may be useful when talking about where you come from.

Let’s get started.

To say: “I come from the United States”.

you can say: “Yo vengo de los Estados Unidos”.


For other countries,

Just add the name of your country after:

“Yo vengo de” (which means “I come from”).


For example,

“Yo vengo de Australia” (I come from Australia) or “Yo vengo de Canadá” (I come from Canada).


To talk about your nationality you can:

“Soy + “the word for your nationality”.


For example,

  • “Soy americano” – “I am American”.
  • “Soy canadiense” – “I am Canadian”.
  • “Soy francés” – “I am French”.


Now, let’s look at a few other phrases that may be useful.

To say: “I was born in Chicago”.

You can say: “Nací en Chicago”.


To say: “My family lives in Montréal”.

You can say: “Mi familia vive en Montreal”.


To say: “I went to Stanford”.

You can say: “Yo estudié en Stanford”

(which translates as “I studied in Stanford”).


To say: “Chicago is a big city”.

You can say: “Chicago es una ciudad grande”.


If you want to say: “Lynwood is a small city”.

You can say: “Lynwood es una ciudad pequeña”.


To say: “New York is very cold in the winter”.

You can say: “Nueva York es muy frío en el invierno”.


If you want to say: “Laredo is very hot during the summer”.

You could say: “Laredo es muy caluroso durante el verano”.


A quick note here. As you probably know “caliente” means “hot”.

But it is more appropriate to use the word “caluroso” (for a masculine noun) or “calurosa” (for a feminine noun) when talking about places.

Don’t worry about the details for now, just keep it in mind and move on.


To say: “I miss my country”.

You can say: “Extraño mi país”.


That’s all for today.

To learn more Spanish and to access a downloadable text version of this audio, you can visit the Podcast section at

See you next time, hasta la próxima.



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