In today´s short post we will use funny cat photos to learn Spanish. Are you ready?
Let’s begin!
Here is today´s photo:
Image from:
So, how would this kitty convey the same message in Spanish?
It could be something like:
Carl, vas a salir,
y vas a atrapar ese punto Rojo
Let’s look at that again in more detail…
The first sentence is:
Carl, You´re going to get out there
In Spanish that can be:
Carl, vas a salir
And you´re going to catch that red dot
In Spanish that can be:
Y vas a atrapar ese punto Rojo
Using the verb “to go” in Spanish (voy, vas, va), adding the particle “a” plus a verb in infinitive,
is a simple way to talk about the near feature.
For example:
Yo voy a comer (You are going to eat)
Tú vas a caminar (You are going to walk)
El va a correr (He is going to run)
It is that simple! Easy, huh? =)
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This is excellent for me! I love the ICanHasCheezburger site, but never thought of translating the captions. ¡Gracias!
Hey, Awesome! I also like funny cats. I am glad you liked them, and I appreciate the feedback.
Gracias! =)