.There’s a wealth of options to explore when it comes to finding Spanish words that start with A. There are so many words in the Spanish language, that sometimes it’s easier to divide them into subgroups to make things easier.
In this article you will find a list of words that begin with A in Spanish that will include several subgroups of its own, including verbs, adverbs, nouns as well as Spanish adjectives that start with A, along with the meaning of each word so you can expand your vocabulary..
Spanish | English |
ábaco | abacus |
abadesa | abbess |
abadía | abbey |
abajo | down |
abanico | fan |
abarcar | to encompass |
abdicar | to abdicate |
abdomen | abdomen |
abeja | bee |
abierto | open |
abismo | abyss |
abogado | attorney |
abollar | to dent |
abono | fertilizer |
abordar | to approach |
abordo | on board |
abortar | to abort |
aborto | abortion |
aboyar | buoy |
Abraham | Abraham |
abrazar | to hug |
abrazo | hug |
abrigar | to shelter |
abrigo | coat |
abril | April |
abrir | to open |
abrumar | to overwhelm |
abrupto | abrupt |
absceso | abscess |
absorto | absorbed |
absurdo | absurd |
abucheo | boo |
abuelo | grandfather |
aburrir | to bore |
abusar | to abuse |
abusivo | abusive |
abuso | abuse |
acá | here |
acabado | finish |
acabar | finish |
acampar | to camp |
acceder | to access |
acceso | access |
acción | action |
acecho | ambush |
acéfalo | headless |
aceitar | to oil |
aceite | oil |
acelga | chard |
acento | accent |
aceptar | to accept |
aceptar | to accept |
acera | sidewalk |
acerca | about |
acercar | to zoom in |
acero | steel |
acertar | to hit the target |
acervo | heritage (information) |
acetato | acetate |
acetona | acetone |
achicar | to reduce |
acidez | acidity |
ácido | acid |
acierto | a right choice |
aclamar | to acclaim |
aclarar | to clear out |
acné | acne |
acomodo | arrangement |
acoplar | to couple |
acordar | to agree |
acortar | to shorten |
acosar | to bully |
acoso | bullying |
acostar | to lay down |
acre | acre |
acta | minutes (document) |
actitud | attitude |
activar | to activate |
activo | active |
acto | act |
actor | actor |
actriz | actress |
actuar | to act |
acuario | aquarium |
acudir | keep |
acuerdo | agreement |
acuoso | aqueous |
acusar | to accuse |
Adán | Adam |
adecuar | to adapt |
ademán | gesture |
además | also |
adentro | inside |
aderezo | dressing |
adeudar | to owe |
adherir | to adhere |
adición | addition |
adicto | addict |
adiós | bye |
adiposo | adipose |
aditivo | additive |
adivino | fortune teller |
adjunto | attached |
admirar | to admire |
admitir | to admit |
adobado | pickled |
adobe | adobe |
adoptar | to adopt |
adorar | to adore |
adornar | to decorate |
adorno | ornament |
adrede | intentionally |
aduana | customs |
adulto | adult |
aéreo | aerial |
aerosol | aerosol |
afamado | famous |
afán | eagerness |
afectar | to affect |
afecto | affection |
afeitar | to shave |
afgano | Afghan |
afición | hobby |
afilar | to sharpen |
afiliar | to affiliate |
afín | related |
afinar | to fine tune |
afirmar | to affirm |
afligir | to afflict |
aflojar | loosen up |
aflorar | to flourish |
afónico | aphonic |
afro | afro |
afuera | outside |
agachar | to duck |
agarrar | to grab |
agasajo | entertainment |
agave | agave |
agencia | agency |
agenda | schedule |
agente | agent |
ágil | agile |
agitar | to shake |
agobiar | to overwhelm |
agobio | burden |
agonía | agony |
agónico | agonizing |
agosto | August |
agotar | to exhaust |
agrado | liking |
agrario | agrarian |
agravar | to aggravate |
agravio | grievance |
agredir | to attack |
agregar | to add |
agresor | aggressor |
agrio | sour |
agrupar | to group |
agua | water |
aguado | watery |
aguador | water boy |
agudeza | acuity |
agudo | acute |
aguijón | sting |
águila | eagle |
agujero | hole |
agujeta | lace |
agujón | stinger |
Agustín | Agustin |
ahí | there |
ahijado | godson |
ahogado | drowned |
ahogar | to drown |
ahondar | to delve |
ahora | now |
ahorcar | to hang |
ahorita | right now |
ahorrar | to save money |
ahorro | saving |
ahumado | smoked |
ahumar | to smoke |
aire | air |
aire | air |
aislado | isolated |
aislar | to isolate |
ajedrez | chess |
ajeno | alien |
ajetreo | hustle |
ajustar | to adjust |
ajuste | adjustment |
alabado | praised |
alabar | to praise |
álabe | paddle |
alacena | cupboard |
alaciar | to straighten |
alacrán | scorpion |
alado | winged |
alambre | wire |
alameda | city plaza |
alargar | to enlarge |
alarido | howl |
alarma | alarm |
alarmar | to alarm |
alba | sunrise |
albaca | albaca |
albacea | executor |
albanés | Albanian |
albañil | construction worker |
albino | albino |
álbum | album |
alcalde | mayor |
alcance | scope |
alce | moose |
alcoba | bedroom |
alcohol | alcohol |
aldea | village |
aldeano | villager |
aledaño | neighboring |
alegar | to plead |
alegrar | to gladden |
alegre | cheerful |
alegría | joy |
alejar | to ward off |
alejar | ward off |
aleluya | Hallelujah |
alemán | German |
alemana | German woman |
alentar | to encourage |
alergia | allergy |
alerta | alert |
alertar | to alert |
aleta | fin |
aletear | to flap |
alfa | alpha |
alfajor | caramel cookie |
alfalfa | alfalfa |
alfil | bishop |
alfiler | pin |
alga | seaweed |
álgebra | algebra |
algo | something |
algodón | cotton |
alguien | someone |
algún | some |
alguno | any |
aliado | ally |
aliados | allies |
alianza | alliance |
alias | alias |
aliento | breath |
alinear | to line up |
alistar | to enlist |
aliviar | to relieve |
alivio | relief |
allá | over there |
allí | there |
alma | soul |
almacén | warehouse |
almíbar | syrup |
almidón | starch |
alocado | crazy |
alojado | hosted |
alpino | Alpine |
altar | altar |
alteza | highness |
alto | tall |
alud | avalanche |
aludir | to allude |
alumno | student |
alza | rise |
amable | kind |
amado | loved |
amante | lover |
amar | to love |
amargo | bitter |
amasar | knead |
ámbar | amber |
ámbito | realm |
ambos | both of them |
amén | amen |
ameno | nice |
amiba | amoeba |
amigo | friend |
amo | master |
amor | love |
amorfo | amorphous |
amplio | large |
añadir | to add |
anal | anal |
ancho | width |
anchoa | anchovy |
andén | platform |
anemia | anemia |
anexo | annex |
ángel | Angel |
angina | angina |
anglo | Anglo |
ángulo | angle |
anhelo | longing |
añicos | smithereens |
anidar | to nest |
anillo | ring |
animal | animal |
animar | encourage |
anime | anime |
ánimo | cheer up |
anís | anise |
ano | anus |
anoche | last night |
añorar | yearn |
anotar | To take notes |
ansia | craving |
antena | antenna |
antes | before |
antes | before |
antojo | whim |
antro | joint (party place) |
anual | annual |
anular | To cancel |
apache | Apache |
apagar | to turn off |
apatía | apathy |
apego | attachment |
apelar | to appeal |
apenas | barely |
apilar | to pile on |
apio | celery |
apnea | apnea |
apodar | to nickname |
apodo | nickname |
apoyar | to support |
apoyo | support for |
apto | suitable |
apuro | trouble |
aquel | that one |
aquí | here |
árabe | Arab |
arañar | to scratch |
arar | plow |
árbol | tree |
arca | ark |
arce | maple |
arco | arc |
ardido | burned |
ardor | burning feeling |
arduo | hard (difficult) |
área | area |
arena | sand |
arete | earring |
Argel | Algiers |
argón | argon |
árido | arid |
ario | aryan |
arisco | surly |
arma | weapon |
armado | armed |
armar | to assemble |
arnés | harness |
aro | ring |
aroma | aroma |
arpa | harp |
arpía | harpy |
arpón | harpoon |
arriba | above |
arribar | to arrive |
arrojar | to throw |
arroyo | stream |
arroz | rice |
arruga | wrinkle |
arte | art |
ártico | arctic |
Arturo | Arthur |
aruñar | to scratch |
asado | roast |
asador | Barbecue grill |
asalto | robbery |
asar | to grill |
asco | disgust |
aseado | tidy |
asear | clean |
aseo | cleanliness |
asesor | adviser |
así | like this |
asilo | asylum |
asma | asthma |
asno | donkey |
aspa | blade |
áspero | rough |
asta | pole |
astral | astral |
astro | star |
astuto | astute |
asumir | to assume |
atacar | to attack |
atado | tied |
atajo | shortcut |
ataque | attack |
atar | to tie |
ataúd | coffin |
atavío | attire |
atento | attentive |
ateo | atheist |
ático | penthouse |
atlas | atlas |
atleta | athlete |
átomo | atom |
atraer | to attract |
atrás | behind |
atraso | delay |
atroz | atrocious |
atún | tuna |
audaz | bold |
auge | boom |
aula | classroom |
aullar | to howl |
aun | yet |
aunque | although |
aura | aura |
áureo | golden |
aurora | Aurora |
auto | car |
autor | author |
autora | female author |
aval | guarantee |
avalar | to endorse |
avalúo | appraisal |
avance | advance |
avaro | penny pincher |
ave | bird |
avena | oats |
avería | break down |
aviar | avian |
avión | airplane |
avisar | to warn |
aviso | notice |
avispa | wasp |
axial | axial |
axila | armpit |
axioma | axiom |
ayer | yesterday |
ayuda | help |
ayudar | to help |
ayunar | to fast |
ayuno | fast |
azahar | orange blossom |
azalea | azalea |
azar | random |
azimut | azimuth |
azotea | rooftop |
azteca | Aztec |
azúcar | sugar |
azufre | sulfur |
azul | blue |
There are so many things that start with A in Spanish that I could make a new list of Spanish nouns starting with A, but for now, let’s review this list of words. I hope you find them useful and if you do, please share this article with your friends on Facebook.
I hope you found this list of list of Spanish Words that start with A to be useful. Please share it with your Facebook friends so they can also learn several words in Spanish that start with A.