How do you say thank you in Spanish?


There are several important words in every language, and if you’re interested in learning Spanish answering the question: How do you say thank you in Spanish? Is a very important one that we will address in this short post.

Knowing how to express gratitude is certainly important, but also finding additional ways to tell someone how grateful you feel and how much you appreciate what they have done can also be highly useful for beginners learning Spanish.

In the following paragraphs we will share a few alternatives that may be useful next time you visit a Spanish-speaking country, or if you want to thank a coworker for doing a good job.

If you’re wondering how to say thank you in Spanish,

you simply can say (and you probably already know how to say this):



Learn the pronunciation here:



A few other ways to express gratitude can be these:


  • Thanks a lot
  • Muchas gracias.


  • I really appreciate all the help you have provided.
  • Agradezco mucho toda la ayuda que me has dado.


  • I feel very thankful for all the things you have done around here.
  • Me siento muy agradecido por todo lo que has hecho aquí.


  • I truly appreciate your help.
  • En verdad aprecio tu ayuda.


  • I value the fact that you help me.
  • Valoro el hecho de que me hayas ayudado.



Do You know how to count from 1 to 1000 Spanish?

You can learn to do it here: Numbers


We hope this short post was helpful and that you now have a better idea of how to express gratitude in Spanish.

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