Free online books in Spanish translated to English – Today’s book: “Doña Berta” by Leopoldo Alas

Reading books in Spanish is an excellent way to practice the language and acquire new vocabulary and frequently used phrases.

Today we’ll take a look at the book in Spanish which can also be translated to English on-demand.


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Learn Spanish with Oral Presentations – Manu Ginobili at TEDxBuenosAires

In these times of modern digital technology, finding ways to practice Spanish is much easier than most people think if you’re creative and open-minded.

We will use an oral presentation by the NBA All-Star Manu Ginobili to practice your listening and comprehension skills in Spanish.

If you’re wondering something along the lines of: “how my going to use an oral presentation in Spanish to practice, if I can barely understand the language?”.

The answer, subtitles and perseverance.

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3 Love Ballads Songs in Spanish with Lyrics

Finding creative ways to practice Spanish is an important tool for beginners who want to master the language quickly. Using music as a learning tool is a great way to incorporate Spanish into your daily life while learning new words and phrases and getting acquainted with the popular culture from other countries.

Today will take a look at the lyrics in Spanish of 3 popular love ballads.

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Learn Spanish in a VW Car – Funny Commercials in Spanish

There many different ways to practice Spanish during our daily lives. Today we will look at 2 creative alternatives beginners learning Spanish may find useful.
Ready to get started?

First, take a look at this VW commercial and pay special attention to the last section of the video, the one that has subtitles in it (when they stop at the gas station and they seem a little upset at each other):

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How Do You Say My Name is in Spanish


Today we will address a question that we often get from our readers. The question is: How do you say “my name is” in Spanish.

In this short post we will try to answer this question as well as give you a few other alternative phrases that may be useful when interacting with people you just met.

Let’s get started!

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Ricky Martin Songs in Spanish Translated to English: Maria

There are many different ways to practice Spanish, and with a little creativity, possibilities tend to be endless. In today’s post will take a look at the popular Ricky Martin song known as Maria and we will use it as a tool to practice your comprehension skills while learning Spanish for beginners.

First, you will find a video with the song and the lyrics in Spanish. Click on play so you can hear the song as you scroll down to read the lyrics in Spanish and the translation of each sentence in English.


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What to do in Mexico City (3 Great Places to Visit and Useful Phrases in Spanish)

Traveling to Spanish speaking countries is one of the best ways to learn the language and it is also a great motivation for people with adventurous spirits. In this article we will take a look at a few interesting places in Mexico City and we will review a few basic phrases in Spanish that may be useful when visiting these beautiful places.

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How to Say Bye in Spanish

Although it may seem very simple, knowing how to say “Bye” in Spanish is a useful tool for beginners who want to interact socially.

In this short post we will take a look at how to say “Bye” in Spanish as well as other useful phrases that may come in handy when traveling or meeting Spanish-speaking friends or colleagues.

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